Welcome To Portage Hill Art Gallery

Summer 2023 Getting it's Groove at Portage Hill Art Gallery

All seasons are busy for our art and gallery life in one way or another. Traditionally the winter months are time to renew and recharge and explore all possibilities artistically in my clay, printmaking and painting/mixed media studios. Time slows down, snow accumulates outside the windows, the wood stove gives off gentle heat and I even take time to read on occasion! My favorite part of winter is the uninterrupted studio hours..
Then spring rolls in and things begin to accelerate.
Spring 2023 was very unusual with extra chaos thrown in for spice. April 1st (yes, that day of tricks) a storm blasted through with a venegeance. After leaving 12 trees down with one on the roof, the winds subsided leaving much work to be done. The warmer temperatures however, weren't forthcoming which created some iffy spring weather for spending weeks in the clay studio. I like to wait for spring warmth to really dive in and it was a winter that did not want to quit!
Summer has finally arrived and brought all of it's inspiring beauty with it! I am busy working in all of my studios and the gallery is in the full swing of the busy season. It is so wonderful to get to say “hello” to long term gallery friends and meet lots of new folks as well. We are very blessed to be in our 41st season. Lots of new work to enjoy and add to your home.

Something Special Staffing at PHG!

My talented gallery assistant, Michelle,  has returned to spend the summer with us but, we have also added Francesca Woolson, an artist intern. 

Fran is a 2022 graduate of Fredonia Central School who is attending college at the Maine College of Art and Design in Portland, Maine. Fran is my first intern here in the gallery. Although I had been approached to have an intern many times in the past, it was not something I was interested in doing. The professional manner in which Fran applied and the strength of her portrait work melted me to the idea (Add knowing her parents and her private art teacher, who recommended her highly, I was sold!) 

Fran will tell you that she was born to all things artistic and she can remember creating artwork as young as 6. During her early teen years Fran was heavily involved in ballet and fully believed that was where her future lay. When the pandemic hit she found herself with down time to create in other ways. As time and projects passed she began to see that the potential was nearly limitless with her artwork and painting.

The best part of having an intern for me is that she is taking me out of my comfort zone and we are doing some deeper exploring into the mediums that I use regularly. I love to paint and draw so, I have always loved hand painting my block prints into one of a kind variations. I have thought about multi-color reduction printing and have tried a few in the past, but had not been totally happy with the results. Wanting to teach Fran the proper way to create a multi-color reduction block print has us both off and rolling.  We are currently on the third color of my Nasturium print block and so far so good! Working together with Fran slowed me down enough to do it deliberately this time. All in all, a grand experience for both of us!

When asked what Fran's favorite part of working in the Portage Hill Gallery Studios her immediate response was "Clay. I've enjoyed working with the clay a lot more than I expected to." When Michelle asked if that would influence her future class choices she said that she had a clay class coming up, but that might just become more clay classes! 

Fran has been a delight to have in my studios and I look forward to getting her acquainted with the sales and business end of gallery owning in the future weeks. Stop by and meet this wonderful, aspiring artist!